The hutongs of Beijing

November 22, 2013  •  Laisser un commentaire

Hey everybody!
I've just uploaded a new gallery in the China section, on my website.

You can directly visit the gallery by clicking here, or watch the slideshow below.
These pictures were taken in Beijing (and around) during our 6 month long Asian tour in 2011.
We actually got stuck in Beijing for more than two weeks because of the Mongolian and especially Russian visas which gave us a pretty bad time and put us in cold sweat a couple of times! Bloody Russian authorities... Anyway. We managed to get them, and this time in Beijing gave us plenty of room to lazily stroll in the charming hutongs and meet the people of the Chinese capital city. When we finally got our visas, we were actually sad to leave this city and this country where we had spent almost two years of our lives... But getting our feet on the Transiberian and having a meal in its restaurant while on the way to Mongolia was quite an exciting experience as well!
Anyway. I hope you'll enjoy the pictures.


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